Friday, November 18, 2016


It has been 20 weeks since I last worked. That is 5 workless months.
It is difficult to review such a time period in one blog entry. After my delayed departure from the job that I did for over thirty years, I was certainly ready for a break. My almost-7 week trip to Europe offered me a pleasant barrier to the new realities of being  “alone” at home for months on end. 

The whole period from my initial planning for retirement until now has been a good transition, which has allowed me plenty of time to think about things. I believe that a major is what this whole blog has been about.
Now I am at home during the days while my wife is still working. How am I doing on my own SCIMP Scale?
Socially, I have made sure that I am staying in touch with friends. It is definitely a process that I have to initiate; it doesn’t just happen. That said, others have also reached out to me and I really appreciate that. I have tried to incorporate other aspects of my well being into this category through lively discussions, and joining friends for walks.
Creatively, I have been working on making a documentary and continue to take photographs and present those efforts in the best possible ways. I am trying to work out future trips; many might not see this as primarily a “creative” process, but I do.
Intellectually, I have been challenging myself to learn new processes, particularly film editing. I have re-engaged with my joy of reading, which had been flagging for a while. I am also trying to make cognitive sense of the recent elections.
Meaningfully, I have been reviewing aspects of my life up until now. I have found myself cleaning up around the house and, in doing so I have come across old journals and photographs, which I have examined at an initial level. It is fascinating to look at old photos and to read entries from transitional periods and difficult times in my life.
Physically, I have noticed that I feel better when I am active. Although this is obvious to most people, it is something that I am actually consciously feeling in my body for the first time. I have been trying to get a rhythm going wherein I can get some exercise every day. Once again, this process feels as though it is in its infancy but it has taken on more importance in my scheduling.
So that is a brief overview of how I am faring on these parameters. I am worried about the winter and hoping that I will not feel trapped inside. I am having some difficulty finding clarity on some of my next projects. I occasionally feel a little bored. But generally I am overwhelmingly satisfied to find my own body rhythms. I love being able to sleep in and to listen and respond to my body as I go. I go to sleep when I want and get up when I want.


  1. It is good to hear from you. I was maybe a little worried. And it sounds like retired life is treating you as it should...or you are treating it as you should. One of those. I am happy to hear you are doing well.

  2. Thanks Kat.
    Hope all is well with you and that you are allowing your creative juices full rei(g)n.

    1. Indeed I am! In fact those creative juices finally got around to publishing a coloring book! It's on Amazon, even. Just search my last name (Romik) to find it easily. :)
