Friday, July 1, 2016


This is the exact moment of transition from a working life to a life of leisure, from pay to no pay, from  financial income to outgo. This is the final moment of paid time. The clock expires. I have paid the piper, I am on my own. I am no longer tied to the company store; I am a free man. I now guide my own destiny, am fully responsible for structuring my time. I am no longer bound by the mores of the workplace, not chained to a desk, nor tethered to a time clock. I can now roam the plains, soar through the skies, follow my own path unfettered, unrestricted. I no longer have to sell my time, wear a suit, or funnel my energy into the needs of others. I can get up at whatever time in the morning (or afternoon) that I like. I do not have to go to bed early so that I can get up for work. No more alarm clocks. I can trace my own rhythms, listen to my own body, march to the beat of my own heart. I can be where I want to be when I want. Lunch time is when I feel hungry. The weather is now all around me, not restricted to a view from office windows. I can choose my relationship to my environment, the people that I spend time with, the way I spend time. There are no excuses, and there is no longer a need to make excuses. I run free, unbridled, loose in the eternal present, following my nose.

I am not describing a near-death experience. I am talking about an actual death experience. I am no longer the person I was - the working stiff, the Occupational Therapist, the health care worker. Those roles were all so "this morning." Those were past lives, alternative incarnations. Yesterday was such an easy game to play. Now it all seems so far away. The past now begins to recede and the future takes on a new light. Who is this new me? We will see. I am a newborn, a baby open to life's changes. Re-born. It's all new, vibrant, alive, unformed, vital, blurry, unfolding, and yet to come. Bring it on!

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