Friday, May 20, 2016


It is two weeks since my original retirement date, two weeks until my re-scheduled retirement date, and six weeks until the day that I will finally retire. It was three and a half months ago that I gave notice and now, today I have some finality that five months after that date I will be actually retiring.
ORIGINAL:14 days ago
REVISED: 14 days to go
NEW: 6 more weeks

Okay, that wasn’t exactly as I planned it, but it works out well for everybody involved. Things change and sometimes we have to roll with the punches. I was letting the uncertainty get to me and now I have to allow the relief of knowing to flow over me like a calming breeze. The end really is in sight and it is all becoming real once again.

Now I can truly start to look forward to the future. I will get to experience a reduced workweek during the month of June. I will be able to make better preparations for my planned videography. This will mean practicing with my new video camera 
Sony AX100
and learning editing techniques, and some of the complexities of inputting and exporting different kinds of footage to make a cohesive outcome.

The month of June promises to be the first month in 30 years where I will be working part time. I will have several 4-day stretches to explore. It will be a good lead-in for my trip and ultimately the rest of my life, sometimes known as retirement.

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